A complete set of modules to support the foundation of your school academics, right from managing exams, school reporting through to timetable management. Giving your staff the right tools to efficiently do their job.
A complete set of modules to support the foundation of your school academics, right from managing exams, school reporting through to timetable management. Giving your staff the right tools to efficiently do their job.
Set the foundation for your class, sets, courses, certification, and assessment data.
A perfect way to guide and keep track of your teachers, the subjects they teach, and the students and classes they run.
Ideal for producing timetables quickly, by student, form, teacher, room or subject – even department or academic year.
Designed to help you monitor every aspect of student progress, ensuring each individual fulfils their academic potential.
At the core of a successfully run school is the administrative tasks to support, our suite of modules includes everything from school admissions, HR and census right through to data protection. Allowing your administration office to take complete control over your schools’ operations.
Everything you need to organise your staff, hold all their key information and keep extensive, up-to-date, easy-to-access records.
Comprehensive student record management, whether they currently attend or are former students.
Admissions has everything you need to manage the entry of applicants to your school simply and effectively – with a huge range of tools and portals giving you complete control over all aspects of the admissions process.
Control all the information you need for the agencies you use to bring in students from overseas.
Everything you need to manage the entry of applicants to your school simply and effectively.
Create, configure and manage consent registers, including capturing consent from parents at the start of the Admissions process.
At the heart of any great school is the successful implementation of the right communication channels to inform students, parents and teachers. We offer several modules, Portals and Apps to support your schools’ communication goals. Giving your entire school community the right information at the right time.
Create multiple calendars, under different categories in daily, weekly, monthly and termly views, with the option of other filters when you need them.
Every schools’ finance team requires comprehensive systems to support the practice of effectively managing money and budgets to support the schools’ long-term financial strategy. Our modules and iFinance solution support these important financial tasks giving your finance team the best tools to align with the school’s strategic plan.
Pastoral care is integrated throughout the organisation of a school, our modules support schools to meet the wellbeing needs of students from activities, disciplines to reward and conduct.
Keep accurate and compliant records of students who have been excluded from your school.
Designed so that you can build and manage all of your school’s pastoral structures.
A bespoke central area to store and manage school data for specific cohorts of students.
Your MIS should allow your IT staff to gain complete control over your entire system. Our modules offer a wide range of tools for integration with third-party systems, data audit capabilities, permissions and security settings and more. Allowing your IT department to manage the system to suit your school requirements.
Contains all the management options you need for total control of your entire system.
We design your training according to your priorities, modules chosen, and the staff you choose for training. How many staff you enrol in training is up to you, but do remember that the faster your entire staff gets up to speed, the sooner you’ll enjoy the benefits.
You’ll learn from an experienced trainer who’ll understand your priorities as well as knowing iSAMS inside and out.