You can list staff available to cover each absence, and when they’ve been allocated print cover slips, or email or text staff to let them know the arrangements. It also means you can add permanent and supply teachers to the booking calendar, record staff absence in a calendar view and store everyone’s contact details.
By setting lists of reasons for absence you can analyse them, and suspend lessons from the timetable to make staff available for cover, using a weighting system to create prioritised lists.
The module also allows you to publish teacher timetables and cover arrangements directly, so teaching staff can view them, and use RSS and XML feeds to display them on other systems. There’s also a useful Master Cover Timetable to show all arranged cover for either single or blocks of days, which you can customise to your exact needs.
Once cover has been finalised the module can email or SMS relevant staff to inform them of cover arrangements.
Provides a powerful timetable suspension system so cover coordinators can make free staff available for cover.
Provides a weighting system on a module and staff level. Gives cover coordinators a prioritised list when assigning cover.
Create and manage supply agencies and teachers using a special agency management section. Comes complete with contacts system and booking calendar.
Publish cover to the wizard bar and teacher timetables using customisable colours and let staff view the information.
Manage staff absence and unavailability using a calendar style view. This allows future events to be taken into account as well as recurrences.
Achieve integration with other solutions via RSS and XML feeds. These inbuilt feeds provide cover arrangements for a single day.
A detailed Master Cover Timetable report displays all arranged cover for a single day or range of days.