Teaching Manager is the perfect way to guide and keep track of your teachers, the subjects they teach, and the students and classes they run.

You can use it throughout your iSAMS system to make changes to groups within your academic structure, add pupils to sets or subjects, and maintain lists of all your subjects and departments. It’s easy to move students from set to set too, and then let subject teachers, department heads and students know of any changes by automatic email.

You will also find the module contains useful tools for creating set sizes and synchronising timetables.

Key Features

Set Management

The ability to make set changes and add students to subjects and sets en masse. Moves students easily from set to set.

Curriculum Development

Supports both the current academic year and development years, so schools can pre-build the curriculum for the next academic year.

Alerts & Notifications

Notify subject teachers, department heads and students of any set changes with automatic email alerts.

Useful Tools

Provides useful tools such as set size rules and timetable synchronisation.

Accessing Cover Arrangements Anywhere

Give your teachers instant access to school information. Not only can they view their own timetables and those of their peers, but your teachers will also have quick access to substitution timetables, where they can identify all rooms and teachers that are available within any given period.

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