It supports logging safeguarding concerns and issues for students and gives schools access to vital information to provide proactive, preventative pastoral care.
The module is designed specifically to cater to teachers and pastoral managers who want to view and log any wellbeing or child protection concern, allowing them to set action items and monitor the status. The Wellbeing Manager gives your school complete control over ensuring the best for a child’s wellbeing under your care.
Each students’ record is stored for safekeeping and is displayed with the students’ basic details and timeline of concerns. A students’ timeline is an easy-to-view glance of crucial life events and concerns. Using the raised flag feature the system can identify moments which have significant impacts on a student which should be highlighted to all. This gives the school access to vital information to share with teachers, parents and caregivers.
Quickly find the most relevant information for pastoral care. Displays all recently listed students with concerns, actions required by the user, life events with date reminders for particular students.
Allows schools to automatically identify concerning trends in student behaviour and receive automated notifications and daily reports on relevant behavioural trends, bringing key student concerns to light immediately.
Manage editing and viewing permissions to sensitive data. Ensuring visibility is properly managed among users by setting strict permissions. Access is set by selected user and user security profiles.
Manage individual student wellbeing records. Search for student records, view pastoral flags, update the progress or severity and add user actions. Record and manage life events.
The Raised flag system indicates the severity of a student concern or life event and is shown as yellow (monitor), green (mild) and red (severe).
Get instantly notified whenever a new concern, an action recorded against a concern, or a life event is logged and/or updated.
The ability to create ‘copy’ concerns that are linked to a student record, so they can be recorded independently against the student in addition to linking to other concerns
Add or remove additional Visibility Groups to Student Concerns in bulk. This means that a student’s previously recorded Concerns can be made visible to a new set of form tutors or a pastoral tutor, as needed.
In this short Q&A session, we were joined by Nicole Svensson, Designated Safeguarding Lead at Rome International School to discuss our Wellbeing Manager module and the growing importance of wellbeing management in schools.
Watch a demoSupports the Scottish GIRFEC (Getting it right for every child) regulations, a national approach in Scotland to improving outcomes and supporting the wellbeing of children.