Find your solution by school type

iSAMS helps over 1,600 schools worldwide manage every area of school life, wherever they are. Let us help you find the right solution.

Independent Schools

We understand that every Independent School needs an MIS that makes life easier for staff, so you can deliver an outstanding education to your students.

iSAMS achieves this by delivering an intuitive and easy-to-use MIS that can be accessed from anywhere, with multiple third-party integrations to allow you to build a system that works for your school.

We remove the stress that comes with systems that don’t work, by delivering something that does.

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International Schools

We believe an effective MIS can play a key role in the success of an International School.

iSAMS provides a modular, bilingual system that grows as your school evolves, allowing you to build a system for your exact needs: from foreign student enrolment to end-of-year exams, timetabling, HR, academic reporting, student wellbeing and financial reporting.

Our fully integrated finance solution with multi-currency support removes the pain of international audits.

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Virtual Schools

We understand that for Virtual Schools to deliver an excellent education, they need a digital infrastructure to match.

iSAMS is a 100% web-based MIS that can be accessed from anywhere, with multiple third-party integrations to online learning platforms such as MS Teams and Google Classroom.

Our suite of portals and mobile apps enable you to communicate effectively throughout the school community.

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School Groups

We exist to streamline the operations of schools, simplifying processes and eliminating double working.

iSAMS enables school groups to manage all academic, wellbeing, admissions, administrative and financial information within a centralised location using a single MIS solution offering one interface in a single database. iSAMS is simple to implement across multiple locations and can grow alongside your schools.

Our integrated finance solution removes the pain of group reporting.

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Preparatory Schools

iSAMS helps Prep Schools to improve their day-to-day management of school data, enhance communications and engagement, and increase efficiency across the school by granting instant access to key information.  

Our Medical Centre and Wellbeing Manager modules enable staff to keep detailed student health records and wellbeing concerns from the beginning of a student’s educational journey, ensuring staff have a rich picture of a student’s background.  

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Senior Schools

We cover all the bases for Senior School life, from taking the register to tracking attainment, organising exams, and writing reports. Our suite of apps and portals provide teachers, students and parents with instant access to the information they need to feel in control.  

With fully integrated cloud-based solutions for admissions, finance, payments and HR, iSAMS offers a comprehensive system to manage every step of a student’s journey through Senior School.  

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